Maybe its funny
Have you ever tried to urinate on a second grader? Those little bastards are fast, especially if you are wearing button fly jeans. I hate button fly jeans/shorts/slacks/pants etc. I have decided that no one actually buys Button Fly jeans. The actually buy zippered jeans, but overlook the fact that they have a button fly or maybe the zipper just morphs on the return home from the place of purchase. No really, I hate button fly jeans. Have you ever tried to go to the bathroom in them, Well maybe that isn't a good question, because going to the bathroom in any pair of pants is the same, they all end up wet. I'll rephrase. Have you ever tried to undo them and then go to the bathroom in the toilet, on a wall, in a trashcan, on a second grader, or on a friend? I'm not even going to have you picture trying to do this while drunk and in a hurry, because you might as well pee your pants. Button Fly jeans are horrible you can't get them undone. It is like wearing a little straight jacket around your penis or your whatever you have down. You don't know torture until you have your little soldier incarcerated in a denim "nut house", no pun intended. You have to be careful if you are a guy when you wear them. All to often you have to go the bathroom, so you wander of to the "Comfort Room" and start the ritual. You walk over to the urinals, peek at the guy next to you. You make sure the toilet is flushed 1..2..3 times. then you sniff the guy next door's shoulder. you turn in a little circle and scratch your foot on the floor and your ready to commence the urination. So you grab one of those horrible buttons, but you don't grab the top one. you grab the center one and then you undo it. then you grab the one above it or below it, who knows maybe even both, because it doesn't matter. you inevitably go for the gun next and try to pull it through the amazingly undersized whole in the jeans. Sure it might be easier if you didn't have an erection from sniffing the guy next to you, but that is neither here nor there. In any event your dick is folded in half and you are hopping around like a one legged prison rodeo clown and praying that your dong comes through the whole without snaping in half like an earthworm being put on a fish hook. Then you stop and just look, because Damn i didn't know my dick could bend like that. So after ten minutes you legs are tired your pants are wet, because you never got your shit out and the guy that you sniffed gave you his phone number and you got scared, because you went from the joking hunter to the pant wetting hunted. What the fuck, I hate button fly jeans.
The hardest part about telling a joke is getting the words out. Once you actually speak the joke pretty much tells itself...